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Loca & RoastOP We all meet and spend time with our loved ones in many different cafes during the day. At these meetings, we sometimes discover new cafes, and sometimes we want to sit and chat for hours at our favorite cafes. Here is a new application that makes meeting and shopping in cafes more fun: 

We can also call the Loca application an application that earns coffee, because thanks to this application, you can drink the coffee you drink for free with the points you earn. In addition, it becomes very easy for you to make payments, take advantage of opportunities and advantages at the cafes you go to.

You can earn "Loca Points" with the "Loca Wheel" in the Loca application and use them in cafes and coffee places that are members. In addition, you can be informed about the discounts and advantageous products at member coffee shops from the "Opportunities" tab, and you can easily benefit from advantageous packages on the spot.


Our Working Process And The Benefits You Will Provide

We develop native applications for iOS, Android and Web platforms. When the project request comes to us; the main problem to be solved, how the project will solve this problem, the area to be used are determined and the analysis document is prepared. Then, the technical specification and requirement document are created and the next step is taken. By following these steps, the best solutions are determined and work is started for the professional implementation of the project. We develop custom software for businesses of all sizes and industries to support their growth, optimize processes and unlock new opportunities. Software is always a product that needs improvement. The release is just a starting point for a new phase in development. At this stage, we adapt to the pace and format of our collaboration to offer our customers post-release support for further improvements.